Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Naptime Prayer

After reading Yertle the Turtle it is hard to say a prayer for my son in an un-Dr. Seuss way. So without further ado let us not be delayed: this is the prayer we prayerfully prayed.
Based on a true prayer, edited for length.

Dear God, we pray for Isaac as he lays down for a nap.
He's had trouble sleeping at night, and we're worried about that.
So now with a tummy full of vegetables, milk, and meat,
we pray that he might finally be able to sleep.
Daddy is going back to work
right next door--what a perk!
Mommy is doing what she does best--
being awesome as he rests.
And God, you are right here with our son--
weave his dreams from the sleep we've spun.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sermon Illustration: John 17:20-26

I made this video from the slide show I gave during my sermon Sunday May 16th.

And this is the version I did for the smaller group at Thursday night worship May 13.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer

My prayer for world peace, the final prayer at our National Day of Prayer breakfast today.

God, is peace possible
between individuals, nations,
ideologies, or ethnicities?
We ask that it is.
When we hear of wars,
invasions, or conflicts,
another bit of hope within us
Reignite the hope of peace
between nations and within nations.
But Lord, we ask for peace
that doesn't depend on
the death or suppression of others,
but a peace that brings,
honors, and supports life.
We pray that peace may be fostered
by the equal sharing of wealth
and resources, not
the selfish hording by nations or
the leaders of nations.
For us and for all people, Lord,
we pray for the power to be gentle,
the strength to be forgiving,
the patience to be understanding,
and the endurance to run this race.
Only you can truly bring peace:
We pray for peace from fear,
peace from hate, jealousy, and pride,
peace between individuals, nations,
ideologies and ethnicities.
We pray for peace for our entire world.
You alone are God,
and to you alone we pray.

The "Amen" is yours to say.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I wrote this prayer for the mother-daughter banquet at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rock Falls IL on May 4, 2010.

Mighty, and loving God, you have blessed us so much, often in ways we don't even realize. There is nothing like a mother, as you know from Jesus' mother Mary. We lift up our thanks for daughters and mothers, grand and great-grandmothers; thank you for the love they show us! Bless them as they play pivotal roles in our lives. Give them your grace, and help them with peace, patience, strength, and love.

Lord, you gather us under your wing like a mother hen gathers her chicks. Wrap your loving Spirit around us in this room. For those without a loving mother, we ask that they know your loving and nurturing care; grant them knowing you. We ask all this in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.